Monday, July 25, 2011

Like a mist

Today, my mind got away from me. This isn’t an uncommon phenomenon; I tend to let that thing wander as it will. Sometimes this is fine; sometimes it isn’t so fine – it sometimes gets stuck on thoughts that it ought not be messing around with. But today, it was simply surprising. In the middle of the day – not an un-busy day, I don’t know why my mind was unoccupied for even a second – in the middle of the day, out of nowhere, I thought of Robby. I think of Robby from time to time. In fact, I’ve blogged about the times I usually think about him (Speed Walking). But usually, the thought passes with only a smile and a sigh.

Today however, my mind stuck on him for quite a while. I didn’t know Robby very well – I mentioned that before, but I think that’s why I’m always a little surprised by how much I’ve clearly been touched by his short life. Maybe I thought of him today because my steps felt heavy with the weight of life. I’ve been in a funk lately for no apparent reason except that life is life. I began thinking of what Robby might be like if he were among our classmates. What might he be doing? Where would he be living? Would he be married and beginning a family, like so many are beginning to do?

I think I envision him as a fire fighter or a teacher/basketball coach. It seems to fit who he was when we were fifteen – kind-hearted, athletic, fun. But who knows what he would be. Think about what you were like, what you wanted when you were fifteen. Does it resemble what your life looks like now? Take a look at your facebook friends, the ones who graduated high school with you, the ones who graduated college with you. Are they where you imagined they would be?

Likely not. People surprise you. Life doesn’t go how you think it will. (As someone recently said, "It's amazing how many people want to be president and how many people don't become president." . . . Really? But that's for another blog.)

And like I said, I didn’t know Robby very well. Would he have made good choices? Would he have been an adventurer? Would he have overcome all the things that bog us down day-to-day with that smile of his? Would he cherish this life that we take so for granted?

I’m not saying that you should “live like you were dying” – so many people do seem to be living as if they are dying, with dread and trepidation and slothfulness – as if they are waiting for death. No, live because you’re alive – be as alive as you can be. I’m just saying that maybe you owe it to someone to have a better attitude and be the best that you can be. Maybe you owe it to yourself to enjoy every single day. You owe it to the people who love and care about you to pursue happiness with all of your heart. You owe it to the higher being of your choice to believe in something bigger than yourself. So, yeah. Carpe diem, why not?

Life is surprising. And short. Even if you live for another 60ish years, it’s only a blip. Do what you can, while you can. But sometimes that's harder than it seems. Do the best you can, I guess that's all we can really do. (Sorry for the philosophical mumbo jumbo/preaching lately…this is where I am in life.)

“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” – James 4:14

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